Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Democrats, Illegal immigration, and the Slave Trade.

What a clever way to hide the buying and selling of humans in the slave trade, i.e., human trafficking, by calling it: "illegal immigration."

The Slave Trade is big business, and like the Drug Trade, it has found a lucrative market here in the U.S.  Until it is confronted for what it really is, merely addressing this as "illegal immigration," will not bring this criminal enterprise under control, much less end it.

For years you have been bombarded with the theme that illegal aliens are pouring over our southern border, and that they are coming here, because there is such a dire situation in their home country, and the prospect of employment in the U.S. is a magnet for them and so they are coming here in droves.

That's the propaganda, the lie, and the cover-up story.  The truth is simple:  It is slavery, international human trafficking.  It is the selling and buying of humans.

Cartels and criminal syndicates entice, recruit, coerce, kidnap, capture, house (imprison), transport and deliver humans for use as sex slaves, drug smugglers, and cheap labor.

American and international corporations, the Chambers of Commerce, and Americans who hire ("buy") the cheap labor are in collusion with the cartels and crime syndicates that traffic in Humans.

You already know how this criminal enterprise is affecting your neighborhoods:   Schools and school districts require more money and resources; cities and towns require more money for more resources and infrastructure; it's affecting wages, employment, quality of life issues, welfare, food stamps, and medical services, etc.

Politicos who benefit from an intentionally altered demographic are willing to betray their nation by "buying" the votes of captives for political power and influence. In fact, when they realized that the slave trade (illegal immigration) might not be enough for their nefarious purposes, they then resorted to importing "refugees."

Currently the political entity most invested in the slave trade is the American Government, and by default, American citizens.  YOU have been made an accomplice to this travesty, if not willingly then by tacit consent.  Politicos use your inaction, your disinterest, apathy, lack of awareness, and use propaganda, political maneuvering, lying and coercion against you in order to continue this criminal enterprise.

It looks like your saving grace to rid yourself of your involvement is to hold Donald Trump's feet to the fire on this and related issues.  It requires a firm hand from you, your determination, your action, and your ability to hold accountable those that you have elected to rectify this atrocity.

See it for what it is: The Slave Trade. When you do, you will more easily move to abolish it.

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